Tutoriel en français 🇫🇷
1) This is the course’s main page. There are 30 lessons in total (= 30 days).
Clicking on the ‘Continuer le cours‘ button will take you back to where you stopped during your last session.
2) You can see that in the ‘Jour 4’ lesson, there are 3 chapters and 5 quizzes.
3) Important: after completing a chapter, click on the ‘Marquer comme terminé‘ button at the top or bottom of the screen.
4) After completing a quizz, click on ‘Continuer‘.
5) Here, you can see that only chapters 1 and 2 are marked as completed.
To unlock the next lesson, you need to complete the last chapter and 5 quizzes in this one.
6) If you see this message, it means that you didn’t complete all the chapters or quizzes in the previous lesson.
You need to go back to the previous lesson to complete all the chapters/quizzes.
7) Take a look at the menu on the left to see which chapter or quizz you need to complete.
8) You can click on your profile in the top right corner to:
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